Water Quality Data
Retrieve detailed water quality information for the entire Colorado River basin
Click on any of the icons on the map to the right to retrieve detailed water quality data for that location. You can zoom and pan around the map as you can with any other Google Maps application. Or you can skip the map and go directly to the table listing stream segments and sites. Here are some frequently asked questions.
View wastewater outfalls and land application permits in the Colorado River basin
Default Map Areas
Choose a Map Extent
Full Extent
Upper Northeast
Upper Southwest
Lake Area
Expanded Lake Area
Lower Basin
Matagorda Bay
City of Austin
Lower Colorado River Basin
Toggle map data below
Bay Data
Real Time Conductivity
Real Time Bay Salinity
Base Map Data
Stream Overlay
Watershed Overlay
County Boundaries
Disclaimer: Data is automatically retrieved and subject to revision.
© 1996- Lower Colorado River Authority. All rights reserved.
Default Map Areas:
LCRA's Water Quality Data website allows you to select one of eight map locations to highlight. The maps range from the Upper Northeast region near Abilene to the Highland Lakes area to the City of Austin and down to the Gulf Coast at Matagorda Bay.
Toggle this checkbox to add and remove water features from the map. As you zoom in further on the map the water features become more detailed.
County Boundaries:
Toggle this checkbox to add and remove counties from the map. County boundaries are available for the entire state of Texas.
Watershed Overlay:
Toggle this checkbox to add and remove watersheds from the map. Watersheds are available for the Colorado River basin and are more detailed in and around the City of Austin.
LCRA Monitoring Locations:
Toggle this checkbox to add and remove water quality sites monitored by the Lower Colorado River Authority.
COA Monitoring Locations:
Toggle this checkbox to add and remove water quality sites monitored by the City of Austin.
TCEQ Monitoring Locations:
Toggle this checkbox to add and remove water quality sites monitored by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
UCRA Monitoring Locations:
Toggle this checkbox to add and remove water quality sites monitored by the Upper Colorado River Authority.
CRMWD Monitoring Locations:
Toggle this checkbox to add and remove water quality sites monitored by the Colorado River Municipal Water District.
Bay Monitoring Locations:
Toggle this checkbox to add and remove water quality sites in Matagorda Bay.
Real Time Bay Salinity Monitoring Locations:
Toggle this checkbox view real time salinity data for our sites in Matagorda Bay.
Real Time Conductivity Monitoring Locations:
Toggle this checkbox view conductivity data for the Colorado River at Winchell and San Saba.